Lilac Garden Mini-Kit - Freebie

As promised, a mini from the Lilac Garden kit! I hope you enjoy it!

I really enjoyed making this kit. I can see my self coming back to it somewhere down the road and creating a few more items. For now, I am off to finish 'Made from my Garden" and "Out for the Summer" kits! I love these colors too.

The correct frame is in the mini. I left the other link in case you just want the frame.

You can find the coordinating kits at DigiScrapStation.

Download has expired here, but you can still get it at The DigiScrapStation!

Lilac Garden - Frame

Well...I put the wrong frame in the mini-kit. Here is the correct frame and I have included the purple ribbon and bow as a make-up gift. :o)

I'll correct the original post shortly.

~Link has Expired~

Lilac Garden Frame and Ribbon/Bow

Lilac Garden - Coordinating Garden Glitter

So I really got wrapped around the axle on this kit. I couldn't help it - I loved the colors! My favorites are the Glimmer and Lilac.

Here is s preview of my Garden Glitter which you can find at the Digi Scrap Station!!

Memorial Day

My son is in the service and has served over in Iraq and Afghanistan on several tours. He told me about a year ago that he got his patriotism from me. It was one of the best things he has ever said to me. It meant a lot. I have great kids!!

These holidays are important to me because of the people they represent. I can watch any Memorial Day program and I am in tears. I love to hear the stories of heroism.

Anyway, I have a little freebie for you.

You can get it here.

Lilac Garden Add-On

Wrought Iron and curled edged papers! I loved making these.

The papers coordinate with the Lilac Garden kit and the Wrought Iron elements can be used with the kit or with another layout you have in mind!

Check them out at the Digi Scrap Station!

Lilac Garden

Between being out of town and life in general I have been running like a mad woman. LOL

I have also started designing for Digi Scrap Station under Scrap Acres. Wooo Wooo!

I was going to stick with Five Corners but I decided that Scrapping is just one facet of me...One corner of my mind!

I have finished my Lilac Garden kit and will be posting a freebie mini kit for you here tonight.

In the mean time, here is the kit and you can find it at the Digi Scrap Station.

I also have a
matching Commercial Use glitter style for Photoshop and page templates from this kit in the shop as well!